abstract class for integration of non-linear terms into the mat_elem computations the nonlinear term is added into the mat_elem_type via mat_elem_nonlinear More...
#include <getfem_mat_elem_type.h>
Inherited by getfem::contact_nonlinear_term, getfem::elasticity_nonlinear_term< VECT1, VECT2 >, getfem::incomp_nonlinear_term< VECT1 >, level_set_contact::HFunction, level_set_contact::NormalTerm, and level_set_contact::Unity.
abstract class for integration of non-linear terms into the mat_elem computations the nonlinear term is added into the mat_elem_type via mat_elem_nonlinear
When this object is destroyed, its destructor will remove all references to it from its internal structures.
The object must depend on one pfem (and may depend on other optional pfem)
During elementary computations, the function "prepare" is called for each optional pfem. Then the method "compute" is called with the main fem context.
Definition at line 67 of file getfem_mat_elem_type.h.