NAME dkwt cleanup-profiles - Clean up profiles directories. SYNOPSIS dkwt cleanup-profiles dkwt clp DESCRIPTION On Windows Vista and above we can not clean up profile directories from boot/shutdown/logon/logoff scripts as these scripts are run from a user account with insufficient permissions. User profiles cleanup is skipped in "dkwt boot", "dkwt login", "dkwt logout", and "dkwt shutdown". You can start a command prompt *as administrator* instead and run "dkwt cleanup-profiles" from there. The program first attempts to use system functions to delete directories, additionally it uses the "RD" command. Alternatively run "dkwtadm cleanup-profiles", this variant of dkwt uses the UAC to obtain administrative permissions. RETURN VALUE The program returns exit status code 0 on success, all other status codes indicate an error. AUTHOR Dirk Krause HISTORY COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Run dkwt --license-terms to see the license conditions. SEE ALSO