[B]3.0.0[/B] - Updated Mimic for Kodi 16 Jarvis. - Continued adding additional artwork options to several views. - Added player controls to the side menu. [B]2.3.0[/B] - Added a sidebar option to wrap the ShowCase view. It is now a fixed list by default. - Added ability to seek by clicking progress bars. - Reconfigured all media views and added additional artwork options (banner, landscape, logo). - Reconfigured musicvideo section, all views now support square artwork only. - Added a new logo view. - Redesigned login screen. [B]2.2.1[/B] - Skinned Rom Collection Browser dialogs. - Added option to display plot/description on Shift view for videos/music. - Added Shift view for episodes. - Added Trailer button to context menu for movies. - New default main menu. - Added skin setting to change text color. [B]2.2.0[/B] - Updated all of the panel views using Phil65's design. - Added support for Phil65's YouTube Browser addon. - Added YouTube videos to Artist/Album and Movie/TV Show info dialogs. - Added a basic weather view. - Added skin setting to change default background image. - Added 8 custom widgets to skin settings. - Added large icon option to InfoWall view for videos. - Added extra fanart option to InfoWall, Showcase, and BannerInfo views for videos. - Added support for Rom Collection Browser. [B]2.1.2[/B] - Updated language files from Transifex. - Added skin settings to import/export the skin settings. - Added keyboard auto-complete via Extended Info script. - Skinned T9 keyboard for Extended Info. - Added support for Nextup Notification Service addon. - Added blurred album cover background for music viz, courtesy of AN5. - Changed Extended Info video list to Shift view. [B]2.1.1[/B] - Added support for SimplePlaylists addon. - Fixed LowList view for video/music addons, added it for picture addons. - Updated language files from Transifex. [B]2.1.0[/B] - Added two new home layouts: top menu and vertical menu. - Added support for series recording with pvr.wmc. - Fixed critical error with color customizer when enabled for the first time. - Added skin setting to show submenus all the time on alternative home layouts. [B]2.0.1[/B] - Added IMDb flag for views when sorted by Top 250. - Added LowList view from Aeon Nox 5. - Added skin setting to disable autoscroll for home widgets. - Redesigned video bookmarks window. - Replaced premade color themes with color customizer in skin settings. - Added a sidebar menu for the Settings section and Global Search. - Replaced similar artists with artist bio in music viz options. - Added EPG support to Global Search (requires version 4.x). - Updated language files from Transifex. [B]2.0.0[/B] - Initial release for Kodi Isengard, includes updates to the skinning engine. - Added a dialog to the sidebar for choosing view modes. - Added a new Blue theme. - Added support for The Big Picture addon. - Consolidated addon views, added Shift view for addons. - Updated language files from Transifex. - Changed default theme to black-blue. - Added support for LazyTV addon. [B]1.1.1[/B] - Added back the option for home fanart overlay. [B]1.1.0[/B] - Updated language files from Transifex. - Added a Thai language font. - Various bug fixes. - Added option to animate music visualization fanart. - Redesigned music/video now playing info on the home screen. - Redesigned home screen widgets so they are part of the main menu. - Redesigned Icon view for Pictures and added a setting to hide Picture filenames. - Fixed musicvideo views and added new ones. [B]1.0.4[/B] - Added skin setting to always display home screen widgets, rather than press up from main menu. - Fixed list view posters for Files and Addons. - Updated language files from Transifex. - Removed color diffuse from TV channel logos. - Added a serif font, NotoSerif. [B]1.0.3[/B] - Updated language files from Transifex. - Added Live TV now playing info to the home screen. - Added video now playing info to the bottom bar. - Changed home widgets to comply with wrap/fixed list setting. - Added a white theme. - Added mouse support for the media menu. - Added extendedinfo to extras context menu, thx Warner306. - Added drop shadows to dialogs and two additional options with BoldDialog and FlatDialog themes. [B]1.0.2[/B] - Changed window animations. - Fixed fanart overlay for Favourites and Global Search. - Added additional info to Music/Addon list and slim list views. - Added a full screen Wall view. - Added foreign language support with Arial font. - Made Webly Sleek UI the default font, added Roboto 2014. - Replaced Logo view with Fanart view. - Updated language files from Transifex. [B]1.0.1[/B] - Redesigned widgets on home screen. - Removed option for genre fanart for video and music. - Changed main menu to obey fixed horizontal list setting. - Moved notifications to the right side of screen. - Changed how InfoWall and BannerInfo handle missing fanart. - Added setting to hide weather/clock on home screen. - Updated rating stars to all use themecolor. - Added panel view for Artists. - Added a scrollbar to System Info window. - Added a skin setting to remove fullscreen overlay on Home screen. - Changed videoinfo actor list from labels to thumbs. - Removed cdART from album info. Replaced with artist logo. - Fixed display of parent folder items. - Added infolines back to the topbar. - Converted Favorites to a standard window with List and Icon views. [B]1.0.0[/B] - Initial release.