Transparency! v7.1.3 - remove wunderground add openweathermap Transparency! v7.1.2 - update pvr sidemenu Transparency! v7.1.1 - add support for international keyboards Transparency! v7.1.0 - kodi name change - pvr changes Transparency! v7.0.1 - remove capitalized fonts - fix crash on android when entering android apps Transparency! v7.0.0 - version bump for helix - settings id changes - add launch button to addon info - remove lyrics addon selection Transparency! v6.0.7 - hide visualization when tv tunes is active Transparency! v6.0.6 - add 3D icon in fanart view - changed digital font Transparency! v6.0.5 - add epg grid marker Transparency! v6.0.4 - added subtitles dialog - update skin code for tv tunes addon Transparency! v6.0.3 - language update Transparency! v6.0.2 - hide settings descriptions when settings are not focused Transparency! v6.0.1 - gotham release Transparency! v6.0.0 - version bump for gotham - code cleanup Transparency! v5.0.12 - add 3D support - add update library button to side menu - add now playing button to side menu - re-add tv signal indicators - add invalidcolor tag Transparency! v5.0.11 - fixed favourite labels in skin settings - added new settings description - added new settings buttons - changed startup window code - added auto login for profiles - added grouping option to smart playlist editor - added allow advanced visualization backgrounds in every window - changed move info buttom to video osd Transparency! v5.0.10 - language update Transparency! v5.0.9 - fixed make icons view scroll by 5 items instead of 6 - fixed show tv recording info on home Transparency! v5.0.8 - fixed movie posters for plugins - changed enable tv menu button by default on supported systems - fixed some untranslated strings - code cleanup Transparency! v5.0.7 - language update Transparency! v5.0.6 - language update - added menu button to touchscreen controls Transparency! v5.0.5 - removed workarounds for italic text Transparency! v5.0.4 - code cleanup Transparency! v5.0.3 - changed always show movie info in slide view - removed stuff - removed weatherplus stuff Transparency! v5.0.2 - fix xbmc freeze when navigating back to home Transparency! v5.0.1 - tag for svn - fixed typo in favourites script call - fixed case not showing in sets node - added coverflow view for sets - added icons view for sets - fixed extrathumbs overlapping with logo Transparency! v5.0.0 - frodo beta release Transparency! v4.1.0 - changed update language files Transparency! v4.0.9 - replace randomitems and watchlist by skin widgets - added thumbwall view - added advanced filter - changed use - added scrolling titles to musicvisualization screen Transparency! v4.0.8 - added tags submenu for movies - added support for movie logos - changed make extrathumbs a multiimage - changed the extended process dialog look - added movie logo to icons view - changed music menu button to go directly to artists Transparency! v4.0.7 - added support for artist slideshow provided artist bio - added support for extended wunderground weather info - added slideshow for seasons Transparency! v4.0.6 - added extra fanart support for music videos - changed show 10 recent / random / recommended items on home - changed use the new method of the favourites script to set menu items - added an option to display mediaflags in wall view - added audio button to music osd - added fullscreen program info for epg - added repeat and random buttons to the video osd - changed the code for adding favourites to submenu items Transparency! v4.0.5 - added submenu for musicvideos albums - added australian movie ratings - added support for actors metadata script Transparency! v4.0.4 - release Transparency! v4.0.3 - added support for watchlist script - added support for artwork downloader - removed extrafanart and logo downloader support - added extra fanart for addons - added tv tune download to video info dialog - added support for recently added/random musicvideos on home - added support for extrafanart script - changed use skin vars Transparency! v4.0.2 - added addon peripheral dialogs - added addon rollback button - added back support to sidemenu Transparency! v4.0.1 - added support for artist logos - added search button on home - added option to show random addons on home - added artist slideshow option to visualization screen - changed always show lyrics and subtitles button Transparency! v4.0.0 - changed version bump for eden Transparency! v3.12.2 - added option to show movieplot in fanart view - changed show movie-set case in all views - added option for music genre backgrounds - added option for video genre backgrounds - added skin for pseudotv and tvtime addons - changed show fanart in visualization by default - changed hide audio, video and visualization settings in kiosk mode - changed show player menubutton in kiosk mode - added wall view for episodes - added wall view for musicvideos - added item view for musicvideos - added item view for tvshows/seasons/episodes - added item view for music - added tv guide Transparency! v3.12.1 - added 36 hour and weekend weather forecast view - added weather alerts view - added number of seasons to several views - fixed fanart in addon browser - added last played date to info dialogs - added played count to info dialogs - added disc number to song info dialog - added cache level on progress bars - changed updated skin for files in library Transparency! v3.11.5 - removed youtrailer script support - changed hide fanart when extrafanart is available - added clickable volume bar for touchscreen users - added clickable progress bars Transparency! v3.11.4 - changed modified code needed for cinema experience script - changed speed up animation times - changed periodically run recentlyadded and randomitems - added totals in randomitems - added option to animate fanart - added option to hide video background and visualisation on home - changed use new background visualization settings - changed separate options to hide movie and tvshow cases - added option for custom logo on homescreen - added toggle music menu button between library and filemode - added option for custom conditional weather fanart on home - added option to show tv show banners in fanart list - added video as background - fixed use tv cases for tvshows in coverflow - added cast info on video osd Transparency! v3.11.3 - added spanish movie ratings - added dts-hra and dts-ma mediaflags - fixed recently added album title - added qlock code - changed show slideshow buttons in kiosk mode Transparency! v3.11.2 - changed addon icons - changed re-enable cinema experience script support - fixed shutdown issue after changing profiles - fixed eject in player submenu was broken - fixed search node in musiclibrary didn't work - fixed hide nextaired info on linked movies - changed new fallback rating icon - changed new fallback studio icon - removed set content button Transparency! v3.11.1 - changed use genre icons in fanart view - changed keep thumb aspect in fanart and thumbnail view for programs - changed new dialog numeric layout - changed new loginscreen design - changed new player buttons - changed new playercontrols window - changed volume icon reflects volume level - changed remove playercontrols on left menu - changed new shutdown menu design Transparency! v3.11.0 - added initial touchscreen support - added kiosk mode - added container totaltime - added skin code for the xbmc audio mixer - added support for tvshow nextaired script Transparency! v3.10.3 - added support for tvtunes script - added support for season fanart - added support for extra fanart - added support for random items - added support for extra thumbs - added option to hide addon notifications - changed skin code for new sutitles script Transparency! v3.10.2 - fixed watched flag in filemode - fixed icons did not crossfade at root of the library - added more views for addons - changed show original title in video info dialog - added new set of media flags Transparency! v3.10.1 - added skin option to run logo downloader script in bulk mode - fixed get logo button position in video info dialog - fixed scrollbar size in tv shows media info view - added flags and code for dd 6.1 and dts 6.1 - fixed time and title would overlap dvd icon on home - changed select dialog for logo downloader script Transparency! v3.10.0 - release Transparency! v3.09 - fixed fanart view for addon browser - fixed scrollbar in fanartview for addons - changed don't use fanart hack for addons in programs - fixed remove deprecated references to scripts - added media info view to programs - added custom menu options - fixed logo downloader script support - added path info to song info dialog - fixed incorrect panel size in AMT script - changed updated language files and translator credits - added some studio logos Transparency! v3.08 - changed now playing should always display info of currently playing song in fanart view - added dependency for the recently added and favourites script - added director info for music videos - added some record-label icons - fixed filebrowser would overlap addonsettings Transparency! v3.07 - fixed mirror fanart button got lost along the way - changed put focus on play button in dialogvideoinfo - added use addon.starrating - added notification for broken addons - update some window id's Transparency! v3.06 - added support for uk movie ratings - added support for pictures and programs addon fanart - changed renamed logfile - changed skin icon - added seekoffset label to seekbar - removed MyScripts - removed all largeimage controls - added return parameter to most submenu items Transparency! v3.05 - added Jukebox view Transparency! v3.04 - added TV Logo support - added support for Logo Downloader script - removed xbox specific code Transparency! v3.03 - removed description.xml Transparency! v3.02 - added DialogTextViewer.xml Transparency! v3.01 - added addon.xml Transparency! v3.00 - added pvr channelmanager - added Transparency! icon and fanart - changed updated description Transparency! v2.16 - changed keyboard design - removed scripts from skin - added option to hide cases Transparency! v2.15 - changed use dvd and bluray cases - fixed custom background for play disc - changed use background loading in all views - added addon support Transparency! v2.14 - changed icons view music - changed use colored default icons - added love & ban to mini playercontrols - added support for the youtrailer script - added option to use posters for tv shows - changed settings Transparency! v2.13 - changed hiding of sidemenu and horizontal scrollbars - changed icons view movies - fixed more accurate home weather fanart - added catalan language file - added wall view - added tic-tac-toe - added german filmrating icons - added weather icon on home - fixed several mouse issues - added more animations to weather - removed weather fanart pack - added custom submenus - added movie set indicator - added selectable weather maps - added hourly and 10 day weather forecast view - added more animations to fanart view - added option to disable views - changed fanart-view is now the default view Transparency! v2.12 - fixed position of context menu for 'play using..' options - fixed background was invisible for picture info in polaroid view - changed use caps label in artist/album/song/picture info - changed header image and items displayed on header - added pvr support - changed settings screen - changed music and video osd - changed dialogfullscreeninfo and musicvisualisation - changed dialogseekbar - fixed jaggies in coverflow Transparency! v2.11 - fixed some missing labels - added recordlabel logo to visualization info dialog - added skinned the rss editor script - removed brand logo's from several images - added skinned the svn repo installer info dialog Transparency! v2.10 - added open/close animation to music and video osd - added artist & album info to musicvisualisation window - added fanart view to root of video and music library - added album themes and album type to media info view - changed show episode thumb when no clearart is available - changed updated translations - added icon view for songs - changed center home menu labels - changed use new labels - changed use new - removed fanart hack home/now playing/visualisation - fixed some issues in coverflow - added repeat and shuffle button to music osd - added imdb top250 listing to fanart view - changed side menu font - added uppercase arial and teen font files - fixed coverflow for music in filemode - added scale backgroundpicture togglebutton to pic thumb and picture fanart view - changed conditionally include animated weather icons - changed show default cover when no cover is available - added fanartview for musicvideos - added cd wall to musicvisualisation window - added fanart slideshow to musicvisualisation window - added dvd home menu button - added audio codec flag to music visualisation - added bitrate & samplerate info to music visualisation - added animation to playercontrols in osd - fixed missing watched/unwatched episodes info in fanart view when tv show thumb was missing - added fanartview for pictures - added home movies fanart mod (thanx francyboy) - added home tvshows fanart mod (thanx Steveb) - added home music fanart mod (thanx Steveb) - added 90min shutdown option - fixed custom shutdown timer - changed redid apple movie trailers settings - changed redid xbmc lyrics settings - added zoom animations to playercontrols - added zoom animations to shutdown buttons - changed redid settingsprofile - added teletext button to videoosd - removed fanart hack in music library - added fullscreen button to playercontrols - changed redid smartplaylisteditor - removed all dialogclose buttons - changed move time label to top on homescreen - changed recently added focus color - changed added focus animation to thumbnailview - changed added focus animation to settings - changed redid filebrowser - changed videoosd opensubtitles button for new version - changed filemanager - changed removed some skin settings - changed redid favourites - changed volume dialog - changed mute dialog - changed seekbar dialog - changed context menu - changed amt context menu - changed brackets in font - added flags to fullscreen info dialog for dvd discs, live video - added flags to video osd for dvd discs, live video and music videos - fixed missing gradient for now playing videos - fixed header position in dialog numpad - fixed scrollbar in slideview - changed show actor thumb in list view - fixed layout fanartview for tvshows/seasons/episodes in filemode - fixed panel texture corruption in fanart view - fixed scrollbar in settings catagory when wide side menu buttons is enabled - added progressbar to now playing video/song info on home page - changed focused list texture and added animation - fixed round corners on selected background in skin settings - added some recordlabel logo's (thanx ninjamawwe) - fixed duplicate album cover in coverflow - fixed video plugin button would not show on home menu - fixed don't default to fanart short in now playing - added thumb view for actors in movie info dialog - changed redid video and music info dialogs - changed focused dialog button - changed set default focus to skin settings in settings - added greek translation - added korean translation - added norwegian translation - added fanart - short list and long list to language file Transparency! v2.01 - added scrollbar to settings category - added show fanart when browsing library by album (thanx snowdrift) - added horizontal scrollbars to several views - fixed incorrect reflection in artists coverflow - fixed don't show now playing in pic thumb view - added record button to video osd - fixed record button in music osd would disappear when recording - added love/hate to music osd - changed play trailer fullscreen on xbox - changed don't show shutdown label if shutdown button is disabled - added show cd cover and info in now playing fanart view - changed use fanart short when partymode is enabled - fixed fanart long and short position in now playing - fixed screen could turn white when osd menu or fullscreen info was visible - fixed flags in fullscreen info for music videos - fixed dialog videoscan and musicscan would display on top of eachother - fixed invalid include warning in log - changed modified 4x3 to 4:3 in fontnames - fixed osd settings menu size - fixed osd bookmarks menu size - fixed button positions in VIDEO osd when dvd menu button is visible - fixed button positions in music osd when lyrics button is visible - fixed cd didn't show in fullscreen when cdArt was disabled - fixed watch flag for tv shows in media info view - fixed fanart did not show in movie info dialog - fixed encoding in several language files - changed increased width for recently added labels - changed increased slide animation on home Transparency! v2.00 - initial release Transparency! v1.11 - changed width of time label in dialogseekbar - changed width of date label on home screen - changed library check for home menu buttons - removed close button from music and video osd - changed thumbnail view for musicvideos now has 15 16:9 thumbs Transparency! v1.10 - changed only update recently added at startup and after library update - added cdart to home - added totals to recently added - added show fanart in background when browsing recently added - changed show cover for recently added movies - added clicking new label in recently added takes you to recently added in library - fixed beta bugs - changed thumbs in favourites and removed cases Transparency! v1.99 (beta) - beta release Transparency! v1.09 - added custom skin transparency level - added warning to disabling settings menu item - changed method for delayed showing of info in slideview Transparency! v1.08 - added mediaflags for musicvideos - changed alignment of plot in fullscreen info - added fanartview for scripts - added options for short and long list in fanart view - added artist thumb to fanart view - added flac flag - changed merged tvshow and movie flags code Transparency! v1.07 - added fanart view for now playing videos - fixed show common now playing in icons view - added media-info view for now playing videos - changed modified all upercase text to word capital case. - changed only show cover in dialogseekbar on pause - fixed custom backgrounds in music now playing - changed don't show dvd case in now playing, as it will also show for episodes - fixed sidemenu shadow would be out of place when library was disabled - changed redid music osd - added subtitle download button to video osd - changed redid video osd - changed all musicvideos views - changed removed uppercase in slide and coverflow - added option to hide watched flag for musicvideos - added year to coverflow, mediainfo and icons view for movies - added option to hide watched flag for movies and/or tv shows - added trailer preview window to slideview - added fallback studio icon - added watched and trailer flag to coverflow and slide view - changed bigger fonts (thanxs tikkiew) Transparency! v1.06 - added several translations (thanx to all translators!) - added wideicon view for videos root in filemode - changed pic thumb view now shows pictures fullscreen - added fanart view for pictures, comics, emulators - added settings to shutdown menu - added emulators to home menu - added comics to home menu - added music videos to home menu - changed label color in settings - changed label color in music media info views - added release date to apple movie trailers - fixed font sizes in polaroid view - fixed font sizes in apple movie - changed reduced volume of skin sounds - fixed scrolloffset label in slide view - added play disc button to player controls - fixed custom background favourites didn't work Transparency! v1.05 - added skin support for home theater experience script - added new weather layout for plus plugin - changed skin settings strings - changed skin settings control id's - added 200 studio icons Transparency! v1.04 - changed moved different views to separate xml files - changed move media flags to individual views - changed dirty hacks to use conditional includes - changed Home.xml to use conditional includes - removed skin based flagging support - fixed button-focus in amt-settings window - fixed repositioned several dialog windows - added close shutdown menu animation - changed dvd source flag detection - fixed header height Transparency! v1.03 - changed progressbar width in fullscreen info - added finish time for all videos - fixed chaptername placement in fullscreen info - fixed focussed/unfocussed layout recently added labels - removed studio icons from skin based media flagging - added separator label to dialogpluginsettings Transparency! v1.02 - changed studio flag control Transparency! v1.01 - changed use 16x9 thumbs for musicvideos in media info view - fixed scrolloffsetlabels are now showing for games fanart and pictures polaroid view - fixed slide and polaroid view or now mouse compatible - fixed configure audio hardware would take you to system settings - fixed use stretch instead of scale for tv show banners - fixed incorrect label for favourites in horizontal home menu - fixed incorrect position of clearart/dvd/cd cover in dialogseekbar - changed fontsize scrolloffset label - fixed failed loading of clearart from smb drives in dialogseekbar - fixed recently added window would still show even though it was disabled Transparency! v1.00 - release Transparency! v0.38 - added 125 record label logo's (thanx Ninjamawwe) - changed some alignments of info labels in media info view - added mpaa rating to tv show info window - added 'native' studio flag for movies and tv shows - changed merged some code of the two horizontal menus - changed moved backgrounds/icons/flags out of the media folder Transparency! v0.37 - added passthrough notification to volumebar Transparency! v0.36 - added slideview for movies Transparency! v0.35 - changed redid dialogfullinfo - changed dialog backgrounds Transparency! v0.34 - changed picture thumb view to wraplist - removed wide icon view for programs - added polaroid picture view - changed redid all thumbnail views - changed redid all item/focused layouts Transparency! v0.33 - changed image loading for cdart and clearart, hopefully it'll work better with smb drives now. - added fanart view for games - added horizontal home menu fade to black Transparency! v0.32 - added 100 film studio icons - changed replaced icons - changed home menu buttons - removed love-hate button Transparency! v0.31 - added aspectratio to fullscreen media flags - changed textures Transparency! v0.30 - changed fonts - changed colortheme to blue - changed skinsounds Transparency! v0.29 - added fanartview for now playing - added progressbar to fanartview for music, now playing and CommonNowPlaying - fixed black screen when having lastfm or shoucast as a source - changed label color to white in skin settings backgrounds - removed bottom button shadow in settings catagory - fixed only load music flags when needed Transparency! v0.28 - added 650 film studio icons - changed renamed all font entries - fixed animation bug in myvideonav.xml - changed all of the genre icons - changed most of the backgrounds - changed made extension matching less likely to cause false possitives - fixed episode name could overlap rating and watched/unwatched flag - changed artist - album order is now optional for browsing by album - added background for favourites - changed colorised shutdown button - moved time from top to bottom on home - changed button-control is now useabe on home when cd/dvd is present in drive - removed favourites and play button - added recently added movies, tv-shows and albums to home screen - added license file - added Transparency! credits to custom_cedits - fixed scale background in filemanager Transparancy! v0.27: - added cdart with animations - added flags for 3iv2,div2,flv,mpg4,mp42,mp43,pcm,vorbis,mp1 - added backgrounds for video plugins and apple movie trailers - added option for apple movie trailers to home menu - added favourites background - added shutdown background - added dim on shutdown - resized and converted genre icons to cut down on size - removed several weather fanart images due to possible copyright issues - changed size of current weather icon in myweather - changed focussed button in several windows - removed icon view at tv show level - added year to fullscreen info for movies and tv shows - added .mp4 .mov .mpeg extensions to source detection list - changed source detection for tvshows and movies - added trailer flag in fanart view - added movie media flags to fullscreen info window - fixed file count label in apply movie trailers when using wide side menu buttons - moved watched overlay from thumb to list - added unwatched overlay - added movie media flags in all views - added tv show media flags in all views - changed alignment of season / episode title in fanart - added dropshadow for tvshowthumb in fanart view - added studio folder icon in video library - added director folder icon in video library - added year folder icon in video library - changed color of title to white in 3d coverflow - fixed left menu is now mouse compatible - fixed wide icon view can contain 10 items if media titles are disabled - changed scale fanart and backgrounds instead of stretch - changed use for tv network logo - added studio to episode dialog info - added fanart for games and programs - added finish time to fullscreen info for videos Transparancy! v0.26: - added seperator between listitems - added mediaflags for dd4.0 and dd4.1 - fixed mediaflags, bluray was detected as dvd - changed modified up/down/left/right scrollbuttons - added option for video plugins to home menu - fixed incorrect window title for music & videos in filemode - added dropshadow to picturethumbview - changed game button now takes you to Games folder if present - added option to show clearart for episodes - added display cd cover in full screen music window when song is paused - added display dvd cover in full screen video window when movie is paused - added option to use videos in file mode on the home menu - added option to show fanart instead of visualisation on home screen and visualisation window - fixed false possitives with codec matching for music files Transparancy! v0.25: - added support for native media metadata detection Transparancy! v0.24: - fixed animated gifs deleted from weather icon directories Transparancy! v0.23: - fixed window title width - fixed custom backgrounds for videos section - added wide side menu buttons - added dvd case to fullscreen video info - added pulse on select for settings icons - changed made focused sidebutton more transparent Transparancy! v0.22: - added custom shutdown menu - added wide home menu buttons - added bigger fonts (thanx tikkiew) Transparancy! v0.21: - fixed custom backgrounds for movies in home - fixed custom backgrounds for tvshows in home - fixed scrolling labels on home menu - fixed scrolling labels in 3d coverflow - fixed scrolling of info in fanart view - fixed bug in SettingsSystemInfo.xml which caused the xbox to crash - fixed wrong weather icon for day3 was displayed - added filemanager to shutdown menu - added restart to shutdown menu - added system info to shutdown menu - added hibernate to shutdown menu - added games to home menu - added skin version to system info - changed exit function for xbox on shutdown menu - changed animated weather icons are optional now - changed made background for fanart info slightly darker Transparancy! v0.20: - changed name to Transparency! - removed some redundant code - fixed [UPPERCASE] display in season fanart view for *All Seasons item - changed Icon view for albums / movies, so thumbs are more in the center of the screen - fixed bug in MyWeather.xml which caused the xbox to crash - fixed corrupted textures on xbox PM3.HD-Transparancy v0.19: - initial release