0.8.12b - Fix issue with mirror pushes failing due to missing PIL on some platforms - Push handling settings now default to play instantly for media and notification for all others 0.8.10b - Fix issue causing the service not to connect to the push server after authorization - Push handling settings now default to notification for all push types 0.8.8b - Fix for error causing service startup to fail 0.8.6b - Fix for pushes sent when Kodi is off all being played when push is received - Added setting 'Interrupt Playing Media' (Default: False) - Will now reconnect on disconnection from push server 0.8.4b - Fix for pushes playing last video unstead of pushed video 0.8.2b - Fix for error preventing authorization 0.8.0b - Added interface, OAuth and media handling code from service.pusbullet.com (ruuk) - Added choices for handling different push types - Play/Show|Notify|Ignore 0.6.18b - Added Proportional notifications timeout in add-on settings 0.6.16b - Added custom kodi commands (aka kcmd) 0.6.14b - First release added to the Official Kodi repository - Added internal Kodi modules (script.module.httplib2 and script.module.six) - Manage new playback types: "episode", "musicvideo", "channel" 0.6.12b - Manage pictures view and slideshow as song and movie playback (for Sync/Mirroring in outbound mode) 0.6.10b - 'View Channels' in add-on settings - Playback action (Stop, Pause or Next) when push is dismissed on device 0.6.8b - Auto dismiss notification when playback end (for Sync/Mirroring in outbound mode) 0.6.6b - Playback pushed link (youtube plugin supported) - Sync/Mirroring: Send notifications to others devices (outbound mode): - Media info playback (song and movie info with their thumbs!) - Added to settings "Send a test notification" button - Added support for Pushbullet Channels 0.6.0b - Hello Pushbullet :)