2.0.0 - Added user authentication (tnx to Bochi) - Added followings - Added followers - Added favorites - Added listens - Added (un)favoriting cloucasts - Added (un)following users - Added thumbnails to main menu - Fixed Unknown Music Info Key "thumbnail" 1.1.5 - Fixed local resolver - Added shameless plug for jackyNIX's own cloudcasts (hey, I was a dj too a couple of lifetimes ago :p) 1.1.4 - Auto change resolver in case of failure - Update local resolver regex (tnx to SilentException) 1.1.3 - Added local resolver (tnx to SilentException) 1.1.2 - Fixed playback of incorrect tracks (tnx to SilentException) 1.1.1 - Modified getstream url 1.1.0 - Added German localisation - Added compatibility to frodo python engine 1.0.1 - Added French localisation 1.0.0 - Fixed streaming (tnx to Bochi) - Added debug option (disabled by default) - Added localisation (English, Dutch) - Added to official dharma repository - Added compatibility to eden python engine 0.4.1 - Some bugfixes 0.4.0 - Added history played cloudcasts - Added history searches 0.3.3 - Added configurable download thumbnail size - Added search users 0.3.2 - Added configurable max cloudcasts on page - Some code cleaning 0.3.1 - Bugfix migr. -> urllib2 0.3.0 - Added search cloudcast 0.2.0 - Added categories 0.1.0 - Initial beta - Added hot cloudcasts - Added new cloudcasts - Added popular cloudcast.