[B]Version 5.0.6 - 2014-10-05[/B] - Gracefully handle error when videoclip is no longer available for playback [B]Version 5.0.5 - 2014-10-02[/B] - Changed cache period of latest programs to five minutes (instead of a full day) [B]Version 5.0.4 - 2014-09-16[/B] - Fixed favorite program series - Added "Clear favorite program series" in the settings to fix broken favorites list - Re-added latest programs [B]Version 5.0.3 - 2014-09-02[/B] - Added 'Show area chooser' to context menu - Fixed problem with recently watched when the slug no longer exists on the server [B]Version 5.0.2 - 2014-07-29[/B] - Added optional area chooser Set default area in addon settings [B]Version 5.0.1 - 2014-06-02[/B] - Fixed problem parsing certain dates [B]Version 5.0.0 - 2014-05-31[/B] - Yet another rewrite; this time to DR MU-online API http://www.dr.dk/mu-online/Help - Added Live TV - Added caching [B]Version 4.0.3 - 2013-10-21[/B] - Added 'Latest on TV' category [B]Version 4.0.2 - 2013-10-02[/B] - Fixed problem with favourites only remembering the last favourite added - Improve error handling when stream is not available [B]Version 4.0.1 - 2013-09-24[/B] - List up to 500 videos for each program series (instead of just 20) - Re-added Premieres, Highlights and Spots categories - Fixed problem with empty favourites - Added support for displaying subtitles [B]Version 4.0.0 - 2013-09-23[/B] - Added setting to set preferred stream type. Defaults to iOS streams. [B]Version 3.9.1 - 2013-09-20[/B] - Additional features implemented [B]Version 3.9.0 - 2013-09-19[/B] - Initial rewrite to use new DR Medieuniversets REST API [B]Version 3.0.1 - 2013-08-03[/B] - Improved handling of invalid URL's - Fixed problem with display of chapters in some cases [B]Version 3.0.0 - 2013-03-22[/B] - Reconstruct rtmp:// url to fix playback problems [B]Version 2.1.9 - 2013-02-22[/B] - Fixed script error on Eden related to duration changes [B]Version 2.1.8 - 2013-02-19[/B] - Added option to show stream selector on video playback - Added option to sort videos by title (instead of default by date) - Fixed display of video durations - Changed fanart to high resolution [B]Version 2.1.7 - 2012-08-01[/B] - Updated date parsing rules to match changes in DR NU API [B]Version 2.1.6 - 2012-07-27[/B] - Changed DR NU API timeout to thirty seconds to avoid errors when DR NU API is slow to respond [B]Version 2.1.5 - 2012-06-22[/B] - Changed search results limit to 100 items - Added Premiere videos [B]Version 2.1.4 - 2012-06-03[/B] - Split up Programs A-Z menu into individual letters - Handle errors when local filesystem is readonly or out of disk space - Added option to define custom icons from program series [B]Version 2.1.3 - 2012-02-15[/B] - Fixed problem with the 'børn' area due to the Danish character [B]Version 2.1.2 - 2012-02-05[/B] - Fixed problem with removing favorites twice - Better handle time-outs and other error scenarios from DR NU - Introduced usage of script.module.buggalo [B]Version 2.1.1 - 2012-01-04[/B] - Fixed a couple of bugs reported by user using the improved error handling - Fixed error handling on Windows - Fixed broken icons - Avoid extra API calls to speed up loading on slower CPUs [B]Version 2.1.0 - 2011-12-30[/B] - Improved error handling with option for the user to submit exceptions/bugs - Added option to navigate chapters (can be enabled in settings) This is useful for some shows, such as [I]På skinner[/I], but breaks date sorting. - Added [I]Highlights[I] and indicator for HD videos - There is a problem with loading some icons, I have opened an issue: http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/12316 - Fixed a number of minor issue, such as search for multiple words [B]Version 2.0.2 - 2011-09-21[/B] - Fix script error on 32 bit OS when expire date of a clip is Jan, 1st 3000 [B]Version 2.0.1 - 2011-09-19[/B] - Changed search to use new search API call - Added 'Last Chance' videos that will expire soon - Sort favorites [B]Version 2.0.0[/B] - Added support for XBMC Eden - Depend on xbmc.python version 2.0 - Otherwise same as Version 1.4.0 [B]Version 1.4.0[/B] - Refactored API - New graphics - Added Programs by area - Changed recently watched so it contains videos instead of programs [B]Version 1.3.1[/B] - 2011-05-28 - Fixed creation of cache folder - Updated fanart and icon - Icon from http://www.dr.dk/drdesign/2010/05/29/dr-nu/ - Fanart from http://www.dr.dk/DRPresse/20091104120300.htm?page=13&q=studie&dateFrom=&dateTo= [B]Version 1.3.0[/B] - 2011-05-16 - Removed dependency on script.module.danishaddons - Fixed errors while display some program series [B]Version 1.2.1[/B] - 2011-02-01 - Fixed problem with favorites and recently watched when lists were empty - Fixed problem with remove favorite [B]Version 1.2.0[/B] - 2011-02-01 - Added main menu with favorites and recently watched program series [B]Version 1.1.3[/B] - 2010-12-21 - Updated to danishaddons module 1.1.0 [B]Version 1.1.2[/B] - 2010-11-30 - Extracted strings into strings.xml - Should also fix some encodig errors in drnu.py experience by some users due to international characters [B]Version 1.1.1[/B] - 2010-11-29 - Changes to addon.xml - Display error in case videoclip is no longer available [B]Version 1.1.0[/B] - 2010-11-18 - Fix problems caused by changes on dr.dk - General cleanup - Added Newest, Spotlight and Search functionality - Updated graphics [B]Version 1.0.4[/B] - Stripped invalid videolinks. [B]Version 1.0.3[/B] - Changed the sorting order in the "show" folder. Now the shows are sorted by infoLabel, date. [B]Version 1.0.2[/B] - DR changed the layout of the videoManifestUrl, so the plugin failed. This is now fixed. - Cleaned up some code. [B]Version 1.0.1[/B] - Added an extra /cms to the rtmp url. All videos should now be working. - Credits goes to twinther. - This script uses script.module.danishaddons. The easiest way to get this is - by adding the Danish XBMC Addons Repo. After doing that install the DR.dk Bonanza Video Add-on. - You'll find the Danish XBMC Addons Repo here: - http://github.com/xbmc-danish-addons/Danish-XBMC-addons/raw/master/repository.danish.addons.zip - Install this Add-on by using System -> Add-ons- > Install from zip file. - This script also uses script.module.simplejson. You can download this module from varios places. - Use this URL to find a download site. http://www.google.dk/search?q=script.module.simplejson-2.0.10.zip - Install this Add-on by using System -> Add-ons- > Install from zip file. - Updated script to use some constants from script.modules.danishaddons. [B]Version 1.0.0[/B] - Initial release.