v2.0.0: - Updated for new website - Temporarily removed Now Playing feature v1.0.18: - Fixed Podcast playback v1.0.17: - Fixed due to small change to requestor pages on website - Fixed AllMusic image scraper v1.0.16: - Changes in preparation for submission to official XBMC repository - Improved exiting of slideshow v1.0.15: - Updated to take into account changes in the Requestor pages on RAM FM v1.0.14: - Added workaround due to bug in XBMC JSONPRC calls that could cause lock up when changing artist in TalkShow v1.0.13: - Added caching to Now Playing screen v1.0.12: - Fixed bug that could cause lock up when exiting Now Playing screen - Moved Now Playing source code into main addon v1.0.11: - Added caching on requestor pages to reduce bandwidth - Added 'Now Playing' feature - graphical page inspired by website, including artist biography v1.0.10: - Reorganized XBMC TalkShow for future expansion - Added Last.FM as a source for XBMC TALKShow v1.0.9: - Replaced Last.FM slideshow with XBMC TALKShow v1.0.8: - improved detecting that user is listening to RAM FM v1.0.7: - added RAM FM Podcasts v1.0.6: - subscribed to developers fund v1.0.5: - built-in slide show no longer reliant on divingmule's addon v1.0.4: - version bump for spoysers repo v1.0.3: - added Last.FM Slideshow functionality (available from official repo under Picture Add-ons) v1.0.2: - can only request songs if listening to stream (at request of RAM FM) v1.0.1: - added recording functionality v1.0.0: - initial release