1.2.5 Added: - Danish translation Changes: - Fixed covers with Disc based info. - Fixed search result with Disc based info. 1.2.3 Added: - Hungarian translation 1.2 Added: - Disc data. Support for loading from Disc database rather than Movie database. - Support for uniquely matching titles via barcode. NFO file must contain a barcode in the following format; barcode://027616704429. - Loading movie data via barcode. Alternative to using IMDb ID. Changed: - Support for URL encoding of username, password and country. No more needs for doing this manually. NB! Requires a new SVN build later than r26777 of XBMC. - IMDb rating is now shown with decimals. 1.1 Added: - Support for trailers from partner filmtrailer.com. - Added support for SortTitle. Changed: - MPAA rating now just shows PG-13 instead of longer localized text. This means a rating should always be visible for all languages. 1.0 - Initial version.