From Bioconductor
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
Development version can be installed from github
package provides associated data for sesame package. It also maintains probe annotation for different Infinium platforms.
Each datum is accessible through the sesameDataGet
interface which allows package level in-memory caching. It should be noted that all data must be pre-cached to local disk before they can be used. This design is to prevent conflict in annotation data caching and remove internet dependency. Caching needs only be done once per sesame/sesameData installation. One can cache data for a specific assay platform, say HM27 by
## snapshotDate(): 2021-04-22
## [1] TRUE
or choose to cache all sesame data, by
Then data can be retrieved with the title:
Titles of all the available data can be shown with:
## EPIC.1.LNCaP EPIC.5.normal EPIC.hg19.manifest
## "EH3659" "EH3660" "EH3670"
## EPIC.hg38.manifest EPIC.probeInfo leukocyte.betas
## "EH3671" "EH3676" "EH3679"
## ref.methylation age.inference ethnicity.inference
## "EH3680" "EH3681" "EH3682"
## sex.inference detection.stats genomeInfo.hg19
## "EH3683" "EH3684" "EH3665"
## genomeInfo.hg38 HM450.10.TCGA.PAAD.normal HM450.10.TCGA.BLCA.normal
## "EH3666" "EH3662" "EH3663"
## HM450.76.TCGA.matched HM450.hg19.manifest HM450.hg38.manifest
## "EH3664" "EH3674" "EH3675"
## HM450.probeInfo leukocyte.betas ref.methylation
## "EH3677" "EH3679" "EH3680"
## age.inference ethnicity.inference sex.inference
## "EH3681" "EH3682" "EH3683"
## detection.stats genomeInfo.hg19 genomeInfo.hg38
## "EH3684" "EH3665" "EH3666"
## HM27.hg19.manifest HM27.hg38.manifest HM27.probeInfo
## "EH3672" "EH3673" "EH3678"
## genomeInfo.hg19 genomeInfo.hg38
## "EH3665" "EH3666"
## Retrieving manifest from ... Done.