QTB Version 5.3 - Copyright 1995-1999 Starfire Software, Inc. Welcome! You have downloaded a copy of Quote Ticker Bar (QTB), version 5.3. This README.TXT, was supplied to suppliment the included QTB help file. QTB, as you have downloaded it, is a shareware version, and may be copied freely to other machine. You are allowed to use QTB twenty times before you will be forced to register. Once you have registered your copy, this version of the software is NO LONGER SHARWARE and should NOT be copied. PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE A REGISTERED VERSION OF QTB! To register a copy, please look for the most recent information about registration at http://www.starfire-inc.com When you register, you will need to supply our sales staff with your serial number. You will then receive a registration number, that will unlock the system. RECORD BOTH YOUR SERIAL NUMBER AND REGISTRATION NUMBER! You will need them BOTH if you every need to reinstall QTB. ======================================================================== BEFORE YOU CONTINUE, PLEASE READ THE LICENSING AGREEMENT. BY USING QTB, YOU WILL BE BOUND THE LICENSE ENCLOSED WITH THIS SOFTWARE. ALSO NOTE THAT ALL INFORMATION DISPLAYED BY QTB MAY BE DELAYED BY AT LEAST 20 MINUTES. ======================================================================== New version information: If you have been using QTB v1.x or earlier, all of your INI file setting will be ignored. You should start with the new QTB.INI that was supplied with the installation. If you are using QTB v2.x, 3.x, or 4.x your INI file will be saved and your old settings will be restored. ======================================================================== All of the information that was stored in the README.TXT file has now be included with the latest version of QTB, as a Help file. Please review the help file, for all of the new features in QTB. We hope you enjoy QTB. To register a copy, please check http://www.starfire-inc.com for up to date registration information - special rates for corporate customers are available.