VR Scout 1.22 VRML Helper Application VR Scout 1.22 is a fast viewer for Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) files. It has been rated by several independent industry sources as the most standard compliant VRML viewer, and is over 4 times faster than VR Scout 1.1. There are two versions of VR Scout 1.22: the helper application and the plug-in. This web page describes the helper application only VR Scout 1.22 helper application works with NetManage Websurfer, Spyglass Mosaic, and Netscape Navigator as an external helper application. It runs on Windows 3.1, 95 and NT. When you click on a VRML anchor, the viewer comes up in a separate window. Hardware and Software Requirements VR Scout 1.22 uses Microsoft's Reality Lab 3D rendering engine, which performs many floating point operations. If you have an Intel 80386 without a 80387 math coprocessor, or you have an 80486SX, you may not be able to use VR Scout effectively. We are frequently asked for Macintosh versions of VR Scout and Pueblo, which we want to provide. We cannot predict when we will ship on Mac. The Mac is especially important because a large number of graphic designers and producers use it. (And Unix is important because that's where many servers are.) The entire Chaco team comes from a portable software background, and both VR Scout and Pueblo are designed for portability. VR Scout 1.22 supports: All of VRML 1.0. Uses Microsoft Reality Lab, for fast software rendering and hardware acceleration, Integration with most browsers. Many Open Inventor nodes, so not-quite-compliant VRML files will work GZIP and ZIP files, automatically and transparently, Multi-threading so different aspects of a scene are simultaneously downloaded, A headlight with a brightness control, Walk/Fly/Examiner viewing modes with heads-up toolbar, Textures (GIF, JPEG, BMP, and SFImage), and Extensive help. New in VR Scout 1.22: Fixed an error with URLs containing 'mailto:'. Stopped displaying that silly 'end-of-file' error message. New in VR Scout 1.21: Fixed a bug with OrthographicCamera node which caused a crash. Made some significant improvements on color and lighting. Reduced memory usage. Added support for multiple top-level nodes. Fixed some problems with text being chunky at small font sizes. The VR Scout Development Team: Pritham Shetty Ron Lussier (Coyote) Dan Greening (Pingbot) Jim Doubek Glenn Crocker (Wizard) http://www.chaco.com/vrscout/external.html