rolog 0.9.21
- Migrate back to cpp2
- fix
- Avoids the use of non-API calls BODY, FORMALS.
rolog 0.9.20
- Bidirectional support: Access SWI-Prolog from R and vice-versa.
- Changed license to BSD-2
rolog 0.9.19
- Maintainance release: fixes problems reported by UBSAN
rolog 0.9.18
- bugfix: PL-get-atom-chars
- workaround for Rcpp::Language
rolog 0.9.17
- Maintainance release: improve behavior with parallel make
rolog 0.9.16
- Maintainance release: improve detection of swi-prolog at
rolog 0.9.15
- Migrate to C functions (prepare wrapper library for rswipl)
rolog 0.9.14
- Maintainance release: more informative error message if SWI-Prolog
is missing
rolog 0.9.13
- Maintainance release: compatible with static libswipl.a from R
package rswipl
rolog 0.9.12
- represent vectors as double hash, dollar, !, %
- matrices triple hash, dollar, !, %
- compatible with R-4.3
rolog 0.9.11
- Maintainance release: fix problems with exception handling
rolog 0.9.10
- Support for R environments (
- Backward compatible with swipl 8.4.2
rolog 0.9.9
- Support for formulae (convert to call)
- LinkingTo: rswipl
rolog 0.9.8
- Support for matrices
- Support for exceptions
rolog 0.9.7
- Represent R functions as ‘:-’/2 in Prolog
rolog 0.9.6
- Separate SWI-Prolog runtime in R package rswipl
- Connect to installed SWI-Prolog (Windows registry,
rolog 0.9.5
- skipped. Will use updated C++ interface at a later stage.
rolog 0.9.4
- Added a vignette with a manuscript for JSS
- Patch on swipl to suppress a deprecation warning under macOS
rolog 0.9.3
- Added a
file to track changes to the
- Temporarily remove diagrams from the package vignette because
DiagrammeR is currently not available in r-devel.
- Slightly faster build on Windows