pbmcapply: Tracking the Progress of Mc*pply with Progress Bar
A light-weight package helps you track and visualize
the progress of parallel version of vectorized R functions (mc*apply).
Parallelization (mc.core > 1) works only on *nix (Linux, Unix such as macOS) system due to
the lack of fork() functionality, which is essential for mc*apply, on Windows.
Reverse dependencies:
Reverse imports: |
adaptDiag, ASpli, boot.heterogeneity, CAISEr, CALANGO, cpam, fastpos, fungible, gemini, ghypernet, glmmSeq, goldilocks, GREMLINS, mappp, mvMORPH, navigation, opdisDownsampling, quickPWCR, RAINBOWR, ROSeq, sccore, scDesign3, scSpatialSIM, seqsetvis, SignacX, sobolnp, SP2000, spatialTIME, streetscape, vesselr, viewscape, WhatIf |
Reverse suggests: |
AgePopDenom, HelpersMG, imagefluency, progressr, robber, tidybulk |
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