ncdfCF 0.4.0
has been renamed CFArray
to more
accurately describe its contents.
objects can now be written to a netCDF
- Methods
summarise the temporal dimension of a
data object to a lower resolution using a user-supplied function, using
the specific calendar of the temporal dimension and returning a new
object with the summarised data for every return
value of a call to the function, i.e. the function may have multiple
return values. The CFArray
version is much faster (because
all data has been read already), but the CFVariable
can also summarise data variables that are too big to fit into the
available memory entirely. In either case, code is optimized compared to
the R base version so an operation over the “time” dimension of a data
array is about twice as fast as using the base R
apply(X, MARGIN, tapply, INDEX, FUN, ...)
- Method
exports a data object to a
and CFArray
classes now have
method to retrieve the “time” axis or its
instance, if present.
has new coordinates
field with
which to retrieve the coordinates along the axis.
- New attributes can be defined on any object that supports
attributes, or deleted.
- Fixed error on reading bounds for auxiliary coordinate variables.
Various other minor code fixes.
fixed to conform to new R6
- Documentation updated, including vignettes.
ncdfCF 0.3.0
- Function
returns quick-view information on
a netCDF resource.
- String-valued labels for discrete and generic numeric axes are now
supported, including multiple label sets per axis. The labels are
associated with an axis rather than a data variable (as the CF documents
imply) and the axis must be explicitly defined (as the CF documents
imply but not explicitly state, and it is missing from the example
- Functions
and makeLatitudeAxis()
added to create scaffolding for new CF objects.
method identifies unused
s to aid in finding issues with netCDF
method for NCVariable
- Method
added, giving fully-qualified
CF object name.
- “Axis” associated with bounds variable is no longer created.
- NASA level-3 binned data (L3b) is now supported.
- Reference to a containing
moved down to
for CF objects.
- Minor code fixes.
- Documentation extended and formatting fixed, new vignette.
ncdfCF 0.2.1
- NetCDF groups are now fully supported, including traversing group
hierarchies with absolute or relative paths.
- All axis types are identified correctly. This includes:
- Regular coordinate axes (a.k.a. NUG coordinate variables).
- Discrete axes, even when no coordinate variable is present - an
extension to the CF conventions.
- Parametric vertical axes, but values are not yet computed.
- Scalar axes, linked to variables through the “coordinates” attribute
of the latter.
- Auxiliary longitude-latitude grids, the horizontal component of the
grid of a variable that was not defined as a Cartesian product of
latitude and longitude, using the “coordinates” attribute of the
variable. When subsetting a data variable, resampling is automatically
- The four axes that “receive special treatment” by the
Conventions each have a separate class to deal with their specific
nature: CFAxisLongitude, CFAxisLatitude, CFAxisVertical, and
- Bounds are read and interpreted on all axes except the vertical
axis, including any auxiliary long-lat grids.
- Information on UDTs is captured in a separate class. This is
effectively only supported for the “compound” sub-type, for scalar
values only.
- Data is read into the most compact form possible. This saves a
significant amount of memory when large integer variables are read as
they would remain integers rather than the default numeric type.
- Data is returned from CFVariable$subset() as an instance of the
CFData class, with associated objects such as axes and the attributes
from the variable. Data can be read out in a variety of forms, currently
as a raw array, an oriented array or as a
or terra::SpatRasterDataset
- Full support for grid mapping variables. As a significant extension
over CF Metadata requirements, CRS strings are produced in the OGC WKT2
format, using the latest EPSG database of geodetic objects.
- Improvements in printing object details.
- Code refactored to R6.
- GHA enabled
ncdfCF 0.1.1
will list objects in the
netCDF resource that have a “standard_name” attribute.
ncdfCF 0.1.0
- Initial CRAN submission. This is a WORK IN PROGRESS and the package
is not yet fit for a production environment.
- This version supports reading from netCDF resources. CF Metadata
Conventions are used to set properties on axis orientation, time
dimensions and bounds.
- Standard R commands can be used to inspect properties of the netCDF
resource, such as
- Access to data uses the R standard
selection operator
for use with dimension indices. Use real-world coordinates with