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The Jacquard package

Jan Graffelman - Dpt. of Statistics, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya; Dpt. of Biostatistics, University of Washington



This document explains the basic functionality of the Jacquard package which provides functions for the estimation of the nine condensed Jacquard coefficients (Jacquard (1974)) for biallelic genetic marker data using a constrained least squares approach (Graffelman, Weir, and Goudet (2024)).


  1. Installation

  2. Estimation of the Jacquard coefficients

  3. Estimation of derived relatedness parameters

  4. Alternative estimation procedures

  5. References

1. Installation

The package can be installed from CRAN with the instructions


2. Estimation of Jacquard the coefficients

We illustrate the estimation of the Jacquard coefficients using (0,1,2) coded genotype data available in the data set SimulatedPedigree, of which we show a small part

#>       Family ID Father Mother Sex SNP00001 SNP00002 SNP00003 SNP00004 SNP00005
#> ID001      1  1      0      0   1        0        0        0        0        1
#> ID002      1  2      0      0   1        1        2        0        0        0
#> ID003      1  3      0      0   1        0        0        0        0        0
#> ID004      1  4      0      0   1        0        1        0        0        0
#> ID005      1  5      0      0   1        0        1        1        0        0

This matrix contains 111 individuals, spanning seven generations, in its rows and pedigree information plus genotype data of 20,000 SNPs in its columns. We first separate the pedigree information from the genotype information.

Xped <- SimulatedPedigree[,1:5]
Xgen <- as.matrix(SimulatedPedigree[,6:ncol(SimulatedPedigree)])

We next determine the nine joint genotype counts for all pairs of individuals, storing these counts in a list object with nine lower triangular matrices, using function JointGenotypeCounts. For efficiency, we here load the precalculated joint counts.

#GTC <- JointGenotypeCounts(Xgen)
#> [1] "f0000" "f1111" "f1101" "f0111" "f0101" "f1100" "f0011" "f0100" "f0001"

E.g., the counts of the major homozygote pairs for the first five individuals are

#>       ID001 ID002 ID003 ID004 ID005
#> ID001 16466     0     0     0     0
#> ID002 13987 16507     0     0     0
#> ID003 13982 13965 16440     0     0
#> ID004 13926 13951 13903 16449     0
#> ID005 14000 14063 13977 13979 16556

We create a vector with the minor allele frequency of each SNP.

mafvec <- mafvector(Xgen)
#>    SNP00001    SNP00002    SNP00003    SNP00004    SNP00005 
#> 0.004504505 0.063063063 0.045045045 0.000000000 0.013513514

We proceed to estimate the Jacquard coefficients by constrained least squares with function Jacquard.cls. For the sake of illustration, we take the first three founders of the pedigree, and subset their joint genotype counts

ii <- 1:3
#>       Family ID Father Mother Sex
#> ID001      1  1      0      0   1
#> ID002      1  2      0      0   1
#> ID003      1  3      0      0   1

GTCsubset <- list(length = 9)
for (k in 1:9) {
  GTCsubset[[k]] <- matrix(numeric(3^2), ncol = 3)
  GTCsubset[[k]] <- GTC[[k]][ii,ii]

We set random initial values for the Jacquard coefficients

delta.init <- runif(9)
delta.init <- delta.init/sum(delta.init)

And estimate the pairwise Jacquard coefficients of the three pairs.

output <- Jacquard.cls(GTCsubset,mafvec=mafvec,
#> 3 pairs 20000 SNPs
#> Processing 1 out of 3 
#> Processing 2 out of 3 
#> Processing 3 out of 3
Delta.cls <- output$delta

Convergence of the solver can be checked by looking at the field convergence, where 0 indicates proper convergence.

#>      [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,]    0    0    0
#> [2,]    0    0    0
#> [3,]    0    0    0

Particular estimates of Jacquard coefficients can be extracted from the Delta.cls list object, which is a list of nine matrices. E.g., Δ9 of the first pair of individuals (1,2) can be extracted by

#> [1] 0.9999998

All nine estimates of the Jacquard coefficients can be obtained with function DeltaPair

#>        J1        J2        J3        J4        J5        J6        J7        J8 
#> 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000001 0.0000000 0.0000001 0.0000000 0.0000000 
#>        J9 
#> 0.9999998

A pairwise list of the nine Jacquard coefficients of each pair can be obtained with the function PairwiseList.

#>             J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J9
#> ID001-ID002  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1
#> ID001-ID003  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1
#> ID002-ID003  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  1

The full set of all pairwise Jacquard coefficients can be calculated with the instructions below. This result is also available in the precalculated data object DeltaSimulatedPedigree.

#DeltaSimulatedPedigree <- Jacquard.cls(GTC,mafvec=mafvec,
#                       eps=1e-06,
#                       delta.init=delta.init)$delta

Boxplots of the estimated Jacquard coefficients can be obtained with function BoxplotDelta. Separate boxplots are shown for the diagonals of Δ1 and Δ7.


3. Estimation of derived relatedness parameters

The set of five identifiable relatedness parameters dicussed by Csűrös (2014), among them coancestry and inbreeding coefficients, can be calculated with the function CalculateTheta.

Theta <- CalculateTheta(DeltaSimulatedPedigree)

E.g., estimates of the kinship coefficients of the first five (founder) individuals are obtained by

#>              ID001        ID002        ID003        ID004        ID005
#> ID001 5.000001e-01 3.128504e-08 3.292970e-08 3.989484e-08 3.082953e-08
#> ID002 3.128504e-08 5.000001e-01 2.763879e-08 3.754111e-08 2.416755e-08
#> ID003 3.292970e-08 2.763879e-08 5.000001e-01 4.053117e-08 2.651516e-08
#> ID004 3.989484e-08 3.754111e-08 4.053117e-08 5.000000e-01 2.717388e-08
#> ID005 3.082953e-08 2.416755e-08 2.651516e-08 2.717388e-08 5.000000e-01

Individual inbreeding coefficients can be obtained from …

#>        ID001        ID002        ID003        ID004        ID005 
#> 1.364139e-07 1.239919e-07 1.321129e-07 8.864897e-08 3.719884e-08
#>        ID001        ID002        ID003        ID004        ID005 
#> 1.180065e-07 1.189951e-07 1.110161e-07 8.204957e-08 3.442820e-08

Boxplots of identifiable relatedness parameters can be made with BoxplotTheta


4. Alternative estimation procedures

There are many estimators for coancestry and inbreeding. Function CalculateThetaMom calculates moment estimators for the five identifiable relatedness parameters defined by Csűrös (2014).

E.g., moment estimators of the kinship coefficients of the first five individuals are given by

#>            [,1]       [,2]       [,3]       [,4]       [,5]
#> [1,]  0.4311849 -0.1443478 -0.1436215 -0.1557858 -0.1494313
#> [2,] -0.1443478  0.4337267 -0.1438031 -0.1526993 -0.1312757
#> [3,] -0.1436215 -0.1438031  0.4270091 -0.1645005 -0.1521547
#> [4,] -0.1557858 -0.1526993 -0.1645005  0.4059486 -0.1546964
#> [5,] -0.1494313 -0.1312757 -0.1521547 -0.1546964  0.4279169

5. References

Csűrös, M. 2014. “Non-Identifiability of Identity Coefficients at Biallelic Loci.” Theoretical Population Biology 92: 22–29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tpb.2013.11.001.
Graffelman, J., B. S. Weir, and J. Goudet. 2024. “Estimation of Jacquards Genetic Identity Coefficients with Bi-Allelic Variants by Constrained Least-Squares.” Preprint at bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.25.586682.
Jacquard, A. 1974. The Genetic Structure of Populations. Springer-Verlag.